Top Anti-Inflammatory Spices

Inflammation is the process by
Inflammation is the process by which our body fights infection and helps us heal. It's called our body's defense mechanism. Now it must be interpreted that inflammation is a healthy phenomenon but only until it is temporary. When this inflammation lasts longer than usual, it turns into chronic inflammation, which is one hell of a red flag, and we need action against it.

Some Natural Herbs And Spices To Reduce Inflammation

Therefore to help you fight chronic inflammation, we have gathered some anti-inflammatory herbs and spices that can be consumed to reduce the inflammation in your body:
The first is Turmeric which is popularly recognized as one of the best anti-inflammatory spices. Turmeric increases the number of healthy bacteria in your gut and can help in better recovery. You can consume Turmeric with many other spices like black pepper and ginger. They together make a great combination and help in preventing inflammation.
Other spices which you can consume to fight inflammation are cinnamon, cloves, rosemary, garlic, cardamom, Fenugreek (Methi), and green tea. These spices are well-tested and recommended by many top-notch medical experts to be consumed daily to combat inflammation. One can consume these herbs and spices by adding them to their foods, like sprinkling some cinnamon on your morning bagel, adding Turmeric or black pepper to your omelet sandwich breakfast, or making yourself some ginger tea.


Since our diet plays a significant role in maintaining the health of our body, we should be very critical of what we are consuming to ensure that our body stays well and in good health. These natural and medicinal supplements can prevent the increase of inflammation and keep your body in good shape. These spices are a must-buy and should be added to your spice box today!!


Ecowatch. (2016, 30 January). 13 Herbs and Spices That Will Reduce Inflammation in Your Body. [Weblog]. Retrieved 21 December 2022, from https://www.ecowatch.com/13-herbs-and-spices-that-will-reduce-inflammation-in-your-body-1882162727.html 

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