Ways In Which Excessive Sugar Can Harm Your Health And Body

You must have heard of
You must have heard of the quote, "Excess Of Everything Is Bad." This quote stands right here. No doubt, we all love consuming sugary foods. Be it festivals, celebrations, parties, or even nothing; I don't think even a single day goes by without us consuming sugar.
But wait here, I would like to throw some light on the fact that not all sugars are harmful or destructive to your health. Sugar is naturally present in some foods, like vegetables, fruits, grains, and other whole-processed foods, which is nowhere close to causing any harm to your body. Whereas the other type of sugar, i.e., added sugar which is added to the foods during their processing, has been proven to cause many severe conditions in your body like diabetes, obesity, PCOS, heart disease, etc. Therefore, these added sugars must be consumed minimally, like no more than 10% of your daily calorie intake. This way, you can save your body and health from the various harmful side effects of excessive sugar intake.

Why Is Added Sugar Intake Bad For Your Health?

If you are also like many people who are fond of sweets, chocolates, soft drinks, etc., you are in big trouble. You won’t even realize it, and your sugar intake will cross its appropriate limit and cause you lousy health. These added sugars do not contribute to nutrients in your body, but calories and therefore lead to diseases like obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart diseases, acne, and whatnot. Therefore, these must be consumed in adequate quantities. Now, to detail it to you, the following are some of the ways in which excessive sugar can harm your health and body:

Premature Aging

Nobody likes to hear “you’ve aged” these days. It sounds like an offense and makes you feel insecure about yourself and your looks. So in order to prevent that from happening, you must take care of your health, and here by taking care, I mean to cut back on your added sugar intake. As I mentioned before, sugar causes many skin and hormonal problems, leading to weak health in women and causes premature aging. If you are encountering such changes in your skin and feeling weak in your body, that’s a red flag. You need to stop or reduce the consumption of sugar in your body right now.

Weight Gain

Obesity is becoming very common worldwide. This is because people consume so much junk food, soft drinks, and excessively sugary foods, leading them to become obese. Being overweight was never and will never be healthy. Your extra weight is caused by the extra calories you are consuming, and these extra calories are nowhere close to providing you with sound health. The junk food and aerated drinks we consume are loaded with added sugars like high sugar fructose. Fructose causes an increase in your appetite and resistance to the hormone leptin, whose function is to regulate hunger in the body and let you know that you are full. Therefore with leptin resistance, you will be unable to understand when to stop eating, and as a result, you will gain weight with the extra food you keep eating.

Heart Disease

Doctors have said that excessive added sugar intake has caused high insulin levels in people, leading to high blood pressure. Consuming added sugars can cause severe heart conditions in the future. High sugar diets cause obesity and high triglyceride levels, leading to blocked arteries and fat deposits in the blood, resulting in significant heart diseases like cardiovascular risk or risk of stroke. Doctors have stated that people who consume 25% sugar are more likely to die from heart disease.


Too much sugar intake can lead to acne on your skin, and who likes acne? When you consume sugar, your sugar levels in the blood tend to rise, resulting in high androgen secretion. This further results in increased oil production and inflammation, which are preeminent in acne development. Science has proven that teenagers who consume excessive sugars are more likely to develop acne than those who do not. So if you see any signs of acne on your skin, the most apparent reason would be your high added sugar consumption. So make sure you cut back on that.


Does excessive sugar cause depression? Here you might be thinking that I’m bluffing. But I’m not. It says that a healthy diet improves your mood, whereas a diet rich in added sugars and processed foods results in negative mood changes and emotions. It increases your chances of falling into depression. High sugar levels lead to cognitive impairments, memory problems, and emotional disorders like anxiety and depression in both men and women.

Risk of Cancer

Consumption of excessive added sugar can increase your risk of developing certain cancers. Sugary foods cause obesity, and that increases the risk of developing cancer. Above mentioned symptoms all together increase the risk of cancer development in people who consume more than an appropriate amount of sugar. You can develop added sugar types of cancers: esophageal cancer, small intestine cancer, and pleural cancer.


Consumption of too much sugar can have many severe adverse effects on your health and body. Doctors suggest an appropriate limit for your everyday sugar intake, and crossing that without thinking can lead to the problems mentioned above in your body. There is also a misconception that cutting back on sugar completely will help you maintain sound health but trust me, that’s not the right thing. Not consuming sugar at all can also cause various health issues in your body; therefore, it must be noted that an appropriate amount should be a perfect choice. We want you to be healthy and sound, and we hope this blog has helped you decide what’s good for you. Stay Healthy!!!!


Plixlife, S.A.U.R.O.V. .K.A.K.O.T.I. (2022, May 7). Your body on sweets: The alarming impact of added sugars. [Weblog]. Retrieved 7 December 2022, from https://www.plixlife.com/blog/your-body-on-sweets-the-alarming-impact-of-added-sugars/

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