Follow The Vegan Plate Combination Method
Fill ½ Of The Plate With Fruits And Vegetables.
Include a range of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Try to consume different fiber-rich green leafy veggies that help reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
Fill ¼ Of The Plate With Wholegrain Foods.
This portion includes wholegrain cereals such as oats, wheat, rye, carbohydrates, vitamin B, zinc, magnesium, iron, and other complex carbohydrates to reduce cardiovascular diseases.
Fill ¼ Of The Plate With Plant-Based Protein.
The other ¼ of the plate can be combined with the primary sources of plant-based protein items such as pulses, cereals, soya products, tofu, tempeh, quinoa, nuts, hemp seeds, etc.
Food Combining is a method that involves combining different healthful nutrients in the diet. The diet is usually broken down into carbs, starches, protein, fruits, vegetables, and essential fats. Combining food can help in keeping the digestive system healthy. The new wave of food combining methods advises separating acidic and alkaline foods for optimal digestion. A vegan plate appropriately combines all food items to neutralize the gastric effect produced in the stomach. The diet must be strictly followed in the plate combination method to ensure all nutrients reach the body and improve the gut.
Proveg international. (2018, 21st March). The vegan food plate: A simple guide to healthy vegan nutrition. [Weblog]. Retrieved 21 December 2022, from